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渗透测试专用PowerShell Ninshang v.0.2.7

渗透测试专用PowerShell Ninshang
  • 软件大小:300KB
  • 软件语言:英文软件
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 更新时间:2013-06-17
  • 软件类别:扫瞄攻击
  • 软件官网:
  • 网友评分:
  • 应用平台:WinAll
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


Nishang是基于PowerShell的渗透测试专用工具。集成了框架、脚本和各种payload。这些脚本是由Nishang的作者在真实渗透测试过程中有感而发编写的,具有实战价值。包括了下载和执行、键盘记录、dns、延时命令等脚本。 里面是大量的PowerShell脚本,需要安装powershell运行环境才可以运行啊。

- DNS_TXT_Pwnage, Time_Execution and Wait_For_Command can now be stopped remotely. Also, these does not stop autmoatically after running a script/command now.
- DNS_TXT_Pwnage, Time_Execution and Wait_For_Command can now return results using selected exfiltration method.
- Fixed a minor bug in DNS_TXT_Pwnage.
- All payloads which could post data to the internet now have three options pastebin/gmail/tinypaste for exfiltration.
- Added Get-PassHashes payload.
- Added Download-Execute-PS payload.
- The keylogger logs only fresh keys after exfiltring the keys 30 times.
- A delay after success has been introduced in various payloads which connect to the internet to avoid generating too much traffic.
